Getting To The POINT

Hey Sis!


Lets’s jump right in!

I’m going to tell you a little about myself and feel free to do the same. I’m a mom of three at 27 years old (9, 5,18 months), and I probably have experiences that have placed me far beyond my years. I’ve continuously dealt with feeling the need to explain myself and the choices I’ve made, while simultaneously dismissing the judgments others have set upon me. I’ve recently come to the realization that many people could benefit from my experiences, and considering that I’ve always had a deep-rooted desire to help out (or a “we are the world mentality” as my fiance so eloquently labels it), I figured WHY NOT?

I seem to have the innate ability to ruffle feathers and wreak havoc in certain areas of conversation… why not put it to good use? So to elaborate, my 9-year-old (the wonderful product of my failed marriage) is a creative little girl who can draw circles around even the most artistically inclined child her age, although she has a challenge with boundaries and…lets say….common sense. My 5-year-old baby girl, an amazing result of my subsequent long-term relationship, is probably the most similar to me in areas of personality, a quick wit and even quicker sensitivity (go figure), she can cry at the drop of a hat. While my only son, at the ripe age of 18 months has already grown into an opinionated, self driven individual who holds a grudge far beyond what’s age appropriate and although he is much like his father (my fiance of 3 years) I concede that I have to take a small part of responsibility as far as what has been weaved into his DNA.


So yea, let’s keep it real, three different fathers.. three different personalities and somehow I’ve worked myself into the prospect of getting married soon. Now, although this blog is meant to be inclusive of everyone, men, women, black, white, straight, gay and everything in between, my point of view is written from a black woman dealing day in and day out with blending a family.. Did i mention my fiance is 17 years my senior with 5 children? Oh yea.. That may be important information… I’m not exactly what you’d call “accepted”, but hey. This blog is all about the no bullshit approach to creating a family dynamic that benefits everyone in it.

The title “Hey, Sis” is meant to shine light on a situation I find myself in pretty regularly. I’m a member of multiple groups, from blended families to father’s rights and activism. And every single time I comment, I am more often than not attacked and/or have my opinions disputed on some level. I have noticed that an indirect way that women show their disdain in my opinion is by way of calling me “sis“. How slick… how passive aggressive… how utterly distasteful…!!! HOW BRILLIANT! (You can always count on a sista to deliver sass and class). I elected to turn a negative into a positive and wouldn’t you know it? Hey, Sis, was born.

Let us tackle these issues with a sincere heart and a willingness to accept our flaws and responsibility for the situations we’ve helped to create. As they say, there’s two sides to every story, and then there’s the truth. I’m not a sugar-coating individual, nor do I have a problem with calling someone on their BS. It’s time we as women, have a safe, honest, and forgiving place to call one another out on the crap we dish, but not only that, pull together as a village and help wrangle one another out of the mud and towards a positive, fulfilling life that benefits every person involved. Let’s get to the nitty-gritty (as my late grandmother would say). And why do we need to pay for expensive therapy sessions to facilitate that when so many of us are battling the same demons?

Welcome to Hey, Sis!

The guide to relationships, parenting and life in general!